Research studies with data-driven analyses of the health economy and its emerging trends

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Health Economy Stakeholders Who Focus on Value Optimization Will Establish aCompetitive Advantage
Although healthcare spending increased by more than 50% in the past decade, from $2.8T in 2012 to $4.5T in 2022, health outcomes have remained stagnant or declined. What is the return on society's massive investment in the U.S. health economy?

Health economy trends.
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Track health economy trends with research from Trilliant Health’s Chief Research Officer, Sanjula Jain, Ph.D.

The 24 Data Stories That Defined 2024
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Trend 5 of 8: Supply Constraints Are Correlated With Inadequate Yield
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The Future of the Health Economy Is Contingent on Value Optimization, Not Value Maximization
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Sentiments Regarding Insufficient Sleep Are Reflected in an Increase in Sleep Disorders
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Surge in Subspecialty Fellowships Reveals Shifting Priorities Among Internal Medicine Residents
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Oral Contraceptive Prescription Use is Rising but Varies by Age and Region
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Gastroenterologist and Oncologist Supply Not Evenly Distributed at the Market Level
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Match Day 2024: Primary Care Residency Positions Continue to Go Unfilled
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Allied Health Professionals Treat an Increasing Proportion of Type 2 Diabetes Patients
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