physical therapy visit
begins with a referral.
Trilliant Health's market intelligence provides data-driven insight into how physician decisions shape the patient journey.
See Our SolutionsUnderstanding patient journeys is the cornerstone of every effective strategy in the health economy.
Their clinical decisions shape the revenue streams of every provider organization.
Their treatment choices shape the medical loss ratio for every health insurance plan.
Their practice patterns dictate the commercial success of every life sciences company.
Analytics Platform
Explore how physician decisions shape your market.
Our solutions provide best-in-class analytics to understand how physician decisions impact patient journeys.
Market Research
Our experts can help you find the signal in the noise.
Our market research examines how the economic forces of demand, supply and yield shape the health economy.
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Access our comprehensive research library to understand the strategic and tactical implications of health economy trends.
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Read our fact-based, national analysis of emerging and evolving health economy trends.
Strategic Expertise
Forewarned is forearmed.
We see where healthcare is going, and your organization will benefit from our strategic insights and industry expertise.
A monthly publication inviting readers to think differently about the challenges facing America’s health economy
Field Guide
A five-part guide offering evidence-based strategies and tactics to win healthcare’s negative-sum game
An interactive tool that helps identify benchmarks for success based on similar markets and health systems